Gain Control  of Your Building

We create a unified space where every component of your smart building is accessible at your fingertips.

Is Your Approach to Managing and Securing Modern Building Systems Across Multiple Properties Adequate in Today's Risk Landscape?

  • Challenges in Integrating Building Management Systems Across Multiple Properties

    As a landlord, developer, or building manager overseeing multiple properties, one of the most daunting challenges is finding systems that seamlessly integrate with existing building management software. The complexity escalates when these systems must accommodate user permissions across various properties at scale. This lack of integration not only hampers operational efficiency but also poses a significant risk in managing multiple properties effectively. Therefore, adopting a web platform that enables efficient management of multiple properties is critical. It enhances operational efficiencies and ensures seamless oversight across all properties.

  • Vulnerability of Legacy Access Control Systems to Modern Security Threats

    In the current market, the security of access control panels is alarmingly compromised. Legacy systems, which are widely used in many buildings, lack essential security features such as encryption and multifactor authentication. This situation creates a false sense of security, offering convenience at the expense of safety. Alarmingly, devices like Flipper Zero—a penetration testing tool gaining popularity on platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube—pose a severe threat. These devices can easily breach legacy control systems such as HID and ICT, rendering buildings vulnerable to brute force attacks. Consequently, for property stakeholders, it is paramount to upgrade to more secure systems to protect against these increasingly sophisticated intrusion methods.

  • Cybersecurity Risks in Building Networks Due to Inadequate Security Measures

    The demand for smart, connected buildings is increasing, driven by the convenience and advanced technology they offer. However, this trend also carries a significant risk of cyberattacks. Often, the integration of smart devices into building infrastructure prioritizes end-user experience over security, leaving the network vulnerable. Without a robust network infrastructure, all connected devices, including sensors and doors, are susceptible to digital denial of service attacks. This vulnerability can lead to critical system failures, making smart devices inoperative. For landlords, developers, and building managers, it is urgent to prioritize and strengthen cybersecurity measures to protect against these sophisticated threats and ensure the continuous functionality of smart building systems.

Benson Hunt addresses all three of these problems as a service provider with a security infrastructure-first approach.

Benson Hunt stands out in the building systems industry by adopting a unique security-first approach to infrastructure. Unlike typical providers who sell single-function solutions with limited post-sale support, Benson Hunt focuses on holistic system management. This involves continuous monitoring and maintenance of all connected devices, including doors, sensors, cameras, and parking systems, to ensure optimal performance and reliability. Essential data from these systems is shared with strata corporations, building managers, and security teams, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of building management. This approach not only improves the operational functionality of buildings but also bolsters security and user satisfaction.

Beyond just monitoring, Benson Hunt leads the way in integrated building solutions, offering a comprehensive range of services to modernize and secure properties. They leverage their managed IT services expertise to boost rental property revenues, particularly through innovative Internet as a service offering. This strategy opens new revenue channels for landlords and building managers. Benson Hunt’s commitment to integrating technology from the ground up ensures that every smart device, including sophisticated access control panels, security systems, and parking management solutions, performs at its best. Their proficiency extends to providing extensive WiFi solutions, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity across the property. This comprehensive approach positions Benson Hunt as an invaluable partner in enhancing property profitability and operational efficiency.

Building Smarter, Safer, More Responsive Environments with Benson Hunt

With us, you're investing in a future-proof, revenue-generating, and secure property, tailored to the demands of modern living and managed by experts who understand the importance of every detail in building management.

Shared, Yet Segregated Internet

Provide state of the art, secured Internet to your residents

How You Benefit as a Landlord/Property Manager:

  • Benson Hunt provides a secure and segregated Internet service to residents (WiFi and Wired)

  • An additional income stream that earns at least 10:1 of your monthly cost

  • Ability to control and offload ISP management to Benson Hunt

Comprehensive Security Camera System by Benson Hunt

Our Partnership




Kisi, in partnership with Benson Hunt, is revolutionizing access control in the real estate sector with its scalable and efficient system. Starting from 4 doors, the system can expand to suit larger setups and integrates seamlessly with industry leaders like Yardi, iPark, GreenPark, Rhombus, and Cisco Meraki. Kisi's door readers are renowned for their speed and reliability, supported by top-notch service from Benson Hunt and direct support from Kisi. The system emphasizes security with encrypted readers, multifactor authentication, and robust encryption. Additionally, its centralized management platform supports Single Sign-On (SSO), allowing efficient oversight of multiple properties through one dashboard. This innovation positions Kisi as a leader in advanced, scalable, and secure access control solutions.

Build a Smart Building You Can Trust with Benson Hunt.